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Recent information about Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and about the fraud in recent presidential elections in Mexico. English version of "HoyPG - Contra la Ignorancia: Información"



¿Estás de acuerdo con la participación de Carlos Imaz?

Encuestas Pasadas

Today is Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mexcio is selling their resources

6:30 PM

Mexico Privatizations Cloud Future

Mexico, Sep 29 (Prensa Latina) The idea of privatizing the Mexican electric and oil industries may become a sad reality during the administration of President elect Felipe Calderon.

Representatives of those sectors, public officials and members of the Accion Nacional Party (PAN) are virtually dividing up generator plants and refineries while waiting for the moment to realize their plan, which would take place on December 1.

They believe the secretive meeting between Calderon's advisers, representatives of important companies and the US military stratum will bring benefits.

However, such wishes sparked an adverse reaction adding to the feeling of post-electoral dissatisfaction in the Democratic National Convention headed by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Although it is not clear who will be the most benefited, most people are aware that if Mexican Oils (PEMEX) and the Electricity Federal Commission (CFE) are privatized, untold problems will be yet to come.

Experts assure that among the difficulties will not only be the increase of tariffs but also the cancellation of budgets to finance those projects intended to benefit the poorest sectors.

This was posted by : trueeyes

    2006  AMLO Today - Hoy PG