Spanish version
Radio AMLO

Press (in Spanish):
La Jornada
El Universal
Revista Proceso en Línea

Blogs against the electoral fraud
and blogs pro AMLO:

Plan de los 3 Puntos

"The left rises "

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“Effective vote, no imposition "

Andres Manuel
Lopez Obrador

“...the last of the words
belongs to the people "

Profirio Munoz Ledo


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Recent information about Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and about the fraud in recent presidential elections in Mexico. English version of "HoyPG - Contra la Ignorancia: Información"



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Encuestas Pasadas

Today is Sunday, October 01, 2006

Was the mexican presidential election stolen?

1:18 AM

Democracy Now presents the reason why the mexican government keeps hidden the results of the recent partial recount of the presidential elections.
This video was broadcast on August, but it's really worthy.

Democracy Now 24/08/06:

Direct link:
( subtitled version for hoypg.blogspot.com )


Democracy Now talks about Mexico's presidential elections, the Lopez Obrador's shadow government and Vicente Fox being blocked from giving State of the Union Address.

Democracy Now 05/09/2006:

Direct link:


Democracy Now! talks about the parallel government in Mexico and the Democratic National Convention.

Democracy Now! 18/09/2006:

Direct link:

This was posted by : trueeyes

    2006  AMLO Today - Hoy PG