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La Jornada
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Revista Proceso en Línea

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Plan de los 3 Puntos

"The left rises "

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“Effective vote, no imposition "

Andres Manuel
Lopez Obrador

“...the last of the words
belongs to the people "

Profirio Munoz Ledo


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Recent information about Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and about the fraud in recent presidential elections in Mexico. English version of "HoyPG - Contra la Ignorancia: Información"



¿Estás de acuerdo con la participación de Carlos Imaz?

Encuestas Pasadas

Today is Friday, October 27, 2006

Mexican police murdered an American citizen

11:38 PM

Today policemen of Ulises Ruiz, Governor of Oaxaca, murdeered Bradley Will, american citizen and journalist.

Brad Will, US Journalist and cameraman, killed in Oaxaca - killer ID'd - actions planned in US

William Bradley Roland, aka Brad Will, a U.S. journalist and camerman, was shot and killed yesterday in Oaxaca, Mexico, by paramiliaries affiliated with the PRI, the former Mexican ruling party. Will was in Oaxaca covering the continued resistance of teachers and other workers against the PRI-controlled government of the State of Oaxaca. According to reports from New York City Independent Media Center and La Jornada, Will, 36, was shot at the Santa Lucia Barricade from a distance of 30-40 meters in the pit of the stomach by plainclothes paramilitaries and died while enroute to the Red Cross.

Brad Will, US Journalist and cameraman, killed in Oaxaca - killer ID'd - actions planned in US

This was posted by : trueeyes

    2006  AMLO Today - Hoy PG