More about the privatization of Mexico's Oil
10:27 PM
George Shultz Leads Drive To Privatize Mexico's Oil EIR Staff "Executive Intelligence Review" The LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) is raising the alarum in Mexico, that George Shultz, the godfather of the Bush Administration, is leading an international drive to steal Mexico's oil. In a leaflet circulating through Mexico, in tandem with the mobilization against privatization called by the actual winner of the Mexican Presidential elections, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the LYM exposes the latest machinations of the Synarchists against Mexico. The leaflet lays out the dirty plot as follows: "Felipe Calderón had barely been proclaimed 'President-elect' of Mexico, when one week later, George Shultz, the real architect of the Bush-Cheney government and sponsor of Pinochet and his Chile, had already organized a secret meeting in a little town in Canada, with a select group of financiers, officials of the Cheney-Bush and Vicente Fox governments, and representatives of Calderón's presumed incoming government. They gathered to discuss the privatization of Pemex, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border, and other aspects of what would be Mexico's final surrender to the Anglo-Dutch financial interests and their allies in the Synarchist International. "This is precisely what U.S. Democratic leader Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly warned of, namely, that this is the fate the Synarchist bankers have reserved for Mexico in the face of the collapsing international financial system now onrushing. "The confab was held in Banff, a little tourist town in the Canadian province of Alberta, under the guise of a forum of the member countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It was presided over jointly by George Shultz for the United States; former Alberta Prime Minister Peter Lougheed for Canada; and Pedro Aspe of Mexico, the former Finance Secretary of [President] Carlos Salinas de Gortari and current member of the international bankers' network PlaNet Finance, a distinction which he shares with Synarchist banker Felix Rohatyn of Lazard Frères. "The discussions held between Sept. 12 and 14, included officials from the governments of those three countries, although it was not billed as an official event, as well as such representatives of Felipe Calderón as Arturo Sarukhan, his coordinator of international affairs, and Juan Camilo Mouriño, general coordinator of his transition team. "To translate what was discussed at this confab into plain language, it is first necessary to explain who George Shultz the fascist really is. This individual partnered with Henry Kissinger during the corrupt Richard Nixon government to, first, in 1971, dismantle the Bretton Woods System created by Franklin D. Roosevelt, thereby paving the way for the globalization process through privatizations and deregulation of the economy, as a way to smash the sovereign nation-state. "Then, in 1973, Shultz and Kissinger, with the help of Felix Rohatyn, who was then director of ITT, imposed the bloody dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile, and with the monetarists of the University of Chicago, created the Chile model which the people of that nation still suffer under today. "Shultz is the true brains behind the Bush and Cheney government. Starting with the campaign in 2000, Shultz organized the so-called Vulcan group, which captured the Bush Cabinet from the very start, and which included Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and other maniacs who have put in place their plan for permanent warfare. "Since the Salinas era, when the Synarchist program to smash Mexico as a sovereign republic began to escalate, Pedro Aspe has served as little more than the bankers' errand boy, and he continues in that role today. At this event, he pulled together the gang of Mexican traitors that participated in the Banff plot. "In addition to the Calderón representatives, there were also Vinicio Suro of Pemex; Eduardo Medina Mora of the Public Security Ministry; Gerónimo Gutiérrez, Undersecretary for North America of the Foreign Affairs Ministry; and Mexico's ambassadors to the United States and Canada, Carlos de Icaza and María Teresa García Segovia de Madero, respectively. Jorge Castañeda's half-brother Andrés Rozental served as the Mexican coordinator of the event. And representing Michoacán governor Lázaro Cárdenas was his advisor Carlos Heredia. "Representatives of Chevron and other international energy groups, along with members of the U.S. government who prepared Cheney's energy plan, joined with Pemex's Vinicio Suro in a forum entitled 'A North American Energy Strategy.' "The session on security was scheduled to feature U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, but his presence has not been confirmed, and was perhaps not necessary. But what is known is that there was discussion of relations among the three nations' defense systems, in particular, militarization of the border, immigration, national security, military production, and control of North America's energy reserves. "Clearly, the international bankers are already celebrating their premature erection results, imagining that with Calderón, they will be able to take Pinochet's Chile and stick it to Mexico. "Don't let it happen! Those who are promoting the privatization of Pemex, CFE, and the national patrimony of Mexico, are as fascist as their guru George Shultz. "What Mexico needs are great infrastructure projects to reactivate agriculture and industry, to develop the oil industry as a transition to an economy based on nuclear energy, and to re-nationalize the Bank of Mexico, to take it back from the Synarchist private bankers. "On October 31, Lyndon LaRouche will give an international webcast to explain the international strategic framework within which Shultz's financial hit-men hope to capture Mexico. You can join it at at 9 a.m. Mexico time." The Best-Laid Plans Clearly, the Synarchist controllers of the Bush Administration had planned this oil grab a long time before the Mexican Presidential election. Indeed, incumbent President Vicente Fox was supposed to be able to implement the privatization of Pemex, but fell flat on his face, because of firm resistance from nationalist sectors within both the PRI and the PRD parties. Now Calderón, a "President" who can hardly show his face in public without facing derision, has been charged with the task by his international controllers. A task force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales (COMEXI, the CFR'S Mexican partner), issued the operant blueprint for the next phase of the destruction of Mexico, Canada, and the United States as independent nations in May 2005, under the title "Building a North American Community." Their aim is nothing less than to establish, by 2010, supranational rule by private interests over the region. As the task force itself asserts, its "central recommendation is establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter." No grand schemes of confederation or union, such as are collapsing in Europe today, are wanted. Rather, the "common economic space" they envision is run by private interests. "A new North American community should rely more on the market and less on bureaucracy," the task force demands. Task force co-chairs were Boston banker-turned-failed-politician Bill Weld for the United States; Mexico's Harvard-trained Salinas/Rohatyn operative Pedro Aspe; and Canada's John P. Manley, a former senior government official who headed the Public Security and Anti-Terrorism Cabinet Committee after 9/11. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) played a key role. Composed of the chief executives of Canada's 150 leading business and financial interests, the CCCE took the lead in ramming through the Canadian-U.S. Free Trade Agreement in the 1980s, and NAFTA later. The task force pivots its policy on establishing common security and economic policies. The three nations' borders are no longer to be their own, but subordinated to the "North American" criteria. By 2010, a "common security perimeter" is to be established, "rethinking management of the borders," merging defense, law enforcement, intelligence, security force training, as well as adopting "common approaches toward international negotiations on the global movement of people, cargo, and vessels," and imposing the same visa and asylum regulations, so that by 2010, there would be "harmonized entry screening and tracking procedures for people, goods, and vessels." Eventually, they insist, "a broader defense structure for the continent" is required. One of the wildest proposals, is that only people who could "pay the costs for a security clearance" be granted the proposed "North American border pass," allowing expedited passage throughout all three countries. Placing the citizens of all three countries under the military boot of a North American community, is intertwined with plans to establish unlimited private looting of resources. Their idea, is that NAFTA didn't go nearly far enough. To secure NAFTA'S passage back in 1994, over fierce objections from nationalist forces in all three countries, trade in natural resources, agriculture, and energy was largely excluded. Now, the financiers demand access to them. And, the private sector is key to doing this. A "North American Resource Strategy" must be developed, they argue, to grab resources more efficiently. The great energy grab is the most critical, but "trade in other natural resources, including metals, minerals, wood, and other products, is also central." Repeatedly, the CFR et al. target Mexico, for failing to carry out "significant reforms in its tax and energy policies" to suit these private interests. Mexico must "reorient its economic policies," "dramatically expanding investment and productivity in the energy sector." That means changing Mexico's Constitution, whose "restrictions on ownership, which are driven by an understandable [!] desire to see this strategic asset used for the benefit of Mexicans," have "hampered" development of its oil and gas reserves. "The inclination of Mexico to retain full ownership of its strategic resources is understandable," but the (alleged) resulting inefficiencies require "the development of creative mechanisms, especially financial," to get that foreign capital and technology into Mexico's oil sector. [+/-] Hide/Show this post |