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Recent information about Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and about the fraud in recent presidential elections in Mexico. English version of "HoyPG - Contra la Ignorancia: Información"



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Encuestas Pasadas

Today is Thursday, October 05, 2006

Recent articles

11:36 PM

Mexican FAP to Foster Reforms

Mexico, Oct 5 (Prensa Latina) The FAP (Progresive Broad Front), an organization that groups the main leftwing forces in Mexico, announced it will boost reforms in favor of democracy, and undertake constitutional changes.

During the presentation of the legislative agenda of the movement led by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the coalition reported that the front has considered formation of a new government, changes to the electoral system and the political party system.

They also expect to change Mexico´s congressional organic law and its regulations in order to encourage legislative coalitions and extend the faculties of congressional committees regarding investigation, control, and decision.

FAP seeks to establish the Federation´s Constitutional Court, the first step to a reform to the Judiciary, to guarantee its independence, honesty, and effectiveness.

The agenda includes changes at municipal levels, autonomy of the indigenous peoples, replacement of the current electoral advisors, Electoral Tribunal magistrate appointment, a boost to participatory democracy, austerity reinforcement, supervision, and accountability.

The text explains labor changes and modernization of education, science, and culture.

Meanwhile, Lopez Obrador continues his national tour that began several weeks ago.

This was posted by : trueeyes

    2006  AMLO Today - Hoy PG